MacOS CatalinaでBig SurのISOイメージ作成したときに詰まった


ベータ版のmacOS Big SurをVMware上で動かしたかったので、このページを参考にしながら作業。

【Tips】macOS Big SurをVMware Fusionにインストールする方法 - ベータ版編 - ソフトアンテナブログ

createinstallmedia 実行したらパーティションの初期化?でエラーが発生。

 ❯ sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ Big\ Sur\ --volume /Volumes/bigsur                                                                                                                                              [12:06:40]
Ready to start.
To continue we need to erase the volume at /Volumes/bigsur.
If you wish to continue type (Y) then press return: y
Erasing disk: 0%... 10%...
Error erasing disk error number (22, 0)
An error occurred erasing the disk.



VirtualBox: How to create a macOS High Sierra VM to run on a Mac host system « TOBI WAS HERE!

Thanks for this! I was stuck with the problem with the first boot.

Wish I would’ve found this post earlier 🙂

I also had problems converting the .cdr.dmg to an .iso file, always kept having errors. I went around the problem by copying the file to an external drive and doing the convert from there – worked like a charm.

I also had to erase the created virtual disk in the first part of the process through the GUI since I was getting the same error as above

Erasing Disk: 0%… 10%…
Error erasing disk error number (22, 0)
A error occurred erasing the disk.

Once I erased the created partition via Disk utility GUI -> I was able to proceed.




 ❯ sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ Big\ Sur\ --volume /Volumes/bigsur                                                                                                                                              [12:16:52]
Ready to start.
To continue we need to erase the volume at /Volumes/bigsur.
If you wish to continue type (Y) then press return: y
Erasing disk: 0%... 10%... 20%... 30%... 100%
Copying to disk: 0%... 10%... 20%... 30%... 40%... 50%... 60%... 70%... 80%... 90%... 100%
Making disk bootable...
Copying boot files...
Install media now available at "/Volumes/Install macOS Big Sur Beta"



  • ISOイメージを作るときに初期化エラーに失敗したら、ディスクユーティリティで余計なディスクマウントがされていないか確認して不要なディスクであれば消去すること。